Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Ala'er

Hello All -

Sorry for the delay. I'm sure you've all been worried sick, and given the pathetic tone of my last post, you might have had good cause. Anyway, after four days of train travel across China, I've finally arrived at Tarim University in Ala'er, China. I've never felt quite so far away from home, and with good reason. I will expatiate on the trip west at great length and a leisurely pace with virtually no respect for the attention span of my audience in my next post, and on Ala'er and the University very shortly. Stay tuned!

In order to tide you over, I've posted, with distinctive and interesting comments, some photos of Beijing. You can find them, and any future photos posted, here:

If you have any problems viewing the pictures, let me know. Ta ta!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics, Z-man. Looking forwards to your musings! In Ala'er, will you learn Sandscrit?

